- The beginning of Ramadan this year was marked differently by 2 Islam mass organization here in Indonesia. One started fasting on 20th July and the other on 21st. I was at first join the 20th but since I was sick so I joined the 21st.
- I was sick quite bad because of the flu, fever, and cough..pretty much my body is poisoned by the sleeping pills. All I’ve done in the past 3 days were just sleeping and eating and sleeping. My body reacted slowly to the pills. 4-5 hours after took the pills I felt so so sleepy. It was not good at all.
- There was less people sell food at the beginning of Ramadan. I had nothing left at home to cook so I relied to the food sellers, unlucky me the place were all closed. So I just had fried chicken and rice. Going to hunt more food after the Tarawih tonight. I hope I won’t let down by the meatball seller.
- I felt so good in my first day of fasting. I was not too greedy on food. I ate less very small portion but it seemed that my tummy is in its good condition...I’d give more space to it before digesting another main dish. I love my 3 days early Ramadan holiday..It gives me more time to sleep though I was almost desperately bored. Weird thing is at time like this instead of having much imagination and creativity (like what I used to have in my working hours) I’m lack of them. I don’t wanna do anything. Just being so lazy and unproductive..this is so not good.
- I’m to lazy to go to the mosque so I will pray Tarawih at home.
- The weather was so hot today. Just stay at home has caused my skin dry...wondering how I’d be melted by the sun rise if I wandering to the city..hell no I won’t try that :D
- Today’s food
Cheap crispy fried chicken that I shud avoid because
doctor’s order is to avoid fried dishes, but because there’s no food variation I
finally bought the fried chicken. I bought 3 pieces, each one used to be IDR 3500
and last night was IDR 4000 each. Oh yeah IDR 500 raise in price.
I ate 1,5 piece last night and I left half for today. Wished that I could
eat the chicken with Rawon – the black soup but no food seller is open. sigh….
Meatball. I miss soup. Even yesterday I had
meatball with the students I want another meatball. I hope the old Jepara
origin man sells his meatball tonight. Put my finger crossed
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